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Pigments for Paste Inks

Sudarshan pigments are suitable for offset printing. Pigment selection for offset printing is based on the properties like flow, oil absorption, acid and alkali resistance etc. Our pigments also comply with various regulations required by printing ink industry.

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Sudaperm Yellow 2937C

Bright Reddish Yellow
High Opacity
Excellent choice for lead replacement

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Total Solar Reflectance Report

A :- Panels preparation

1 – Water base paint using CICP pigments made on high-speed stirrer.
2 – Pigmentation is kept 35 % of overall formulation.
3 – Panels are made by applying paint on cement substrate. Panels air dried and then
sent for testing.

B : – Machine Details

Perkin Elmer UV-Vis-NIR
Machine used – Lambda 1050 +
Wavelength range – 200 – 2500 nm
% Total Solar reflectance range – 700 to 1500 nm

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